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Golf Day at Cray Valley 1 October 2024 Silver Wind arriving at Tower Bridge 15 May 2019 Silver Spirit in London (Greenwich) on 3June 2018 Silver Cloud Cruise June 2015 Silver Cloud Cruise June 2015 / London Silver Cloud Cruise June 2015 / Amsterdam Silver Cloud Cruise June 2015 / Rønne Silver Cloud Cruise June 2015 / Visby Silver Cloud Cruise June 2015 / Kiel Canal Silver Cloud Cruise June 2015 / Stockholm Silver Cloud Cruise June 2015 / On Silver Cloud Silver Cloud in London 18 and 19 July 2015 Silver Wind - Barcelona to Athens Silver Wind - Barcelona to Athens / Corinth Silver Muse cruise June 2017 Silver Muse cruise June 2017 / Monaco Silver Muse cruise June 2017 / General muse photos Silver Muse cruise June 2017 / St Tropez Silver Muse cruise June 2017 / Portovenere Silver Muse cruise June 2017 / Livorno Search in sub-albums